Tag: ghanaian recipes

yam eto

Yam Eto (Mashed Ghanaian Yams)


Happy new year! I thought I’d start of the new year with a recipe for one of my favourite Ghanaian foods, yam eto (short for etor and also referred to as otor/oto). Eto is a traditional Ghanaian dish which consists of mashed yams or sweet plantains.

chicken chichinga

Chicken Chichinga (Ghanaian Chicken Kebabs)


Chicken chichinga are Ghanaian chicken kebabs made with suya spice, which is a peanut-based spice blend that’s widely used in Ghana and Nigeria. Chichinga can be made with any meat, tofu or vegetables. The meat versions of chichinga, particularly beef, are popular street foods in Ghana and Nigeria (where it […]