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Caribbean: Drinks & Desserts

caribbean sorrel drink

Caribbean Sorrel Drink

I made Caribbean sorrel drink the other day because ’tis the season. I decided to make a quick post to share the recipe for those who are looking for…

rum cake

Rum Cake

Yaaay! I’m finally ready to launch this blog. I’ve spent months working on it and I’m happy with the way it looks now, so it’s time to put it…

carrot punch

Caribbean Carrot Punch

I’m really enjoying making my own drinks this summer and as I had some carrots lying around, I decided to make carrot punch this week. Carrot punch is a…

peanut punch

Caribbean Peanut Punch

Peanut punch is a protein packed, energy drink that’s popular in Jamaica, Trinidad and other parts of the Caribbean. The first peanut punch I ever had was one of…